Tuesday, July 17, 2007


So, I am the worst blogger in the history of people who blogged. I have many excuses: being to busy, too lazy, technological incombatibilities, the time zone, the heat, the distraction of all the food... all legitimate excuses... but still excuses none the less. So I am sorry for the poor state of this blog and will seek to remedy it some time soon. I need to catch up on Rome, Monte Cassino, Perugia, Florence, Bologna, Padova, Venice, Verona, Livorno.... I have done a little bit in the last few weeks.

I would appreciate it if you, you who has some much spare time on their hand so as to read this poor excuse for a blog, could put some comments below: The more offensive the better... I need some motivation... something which is hard to come by in this heat.

Ciao amici,


  1. :'( i cant really say much...you've seen my "blog"... but still. bad tony. very bad.

  2. You know it Tony, we are expecting to see mulipul posts and descriptions of everything. Nah just write a blog on 2 weeks of traval... if you can remember any of it by now

  3. I heard motivation was in very scarce in all parts of the world.
    Good to hear your trip still going well.
    Keep it real boss

  4. Tony, I'm so gutted by you not blogging that I have to leave my first comment! But once every two weeks is actually pretty good I say (better than 99% of people), so keep it up!

  5. He's alive! Cancel the search parties!

  6. Tony, you make pops very said which in turn makes me a little bit sad :(
