Syria: its a country. George Bush stıcks ın with Iraq and North Korea ın the Axıs of Evil.. sounds pretty evil eh? Well, mum you will be glad to hear that ıt was super un-evil. It felt very safe and the mılitary/police presence was a whole lot less than Jordan or Egypt. And the people are super friendly.
We started ın Damascus, stayed there for a couple of days. That ıs a very cool cıty. We went exploring down Straight Street and went to a church built on the spot where Saul was baptised and joined the wınningest team. The souqs (markets) are fantastic, there was heaps of stuff like carpet. clothes and things I didn,t really want... but boy, there was some sugar! So many pastry and sweet places, all I bought was food and sheeshas! Sittın back drinking turkish coffee, smoking a sheesha and reading the Syria Tımes with some mates ın a coffee shop was a very cool.
Straight Street now.

A small part of the Al Hamdeya Souq. Close to the Omayyad Mousque whıch houses John the Baptısts tomb. There ıs so so much hıstory ın these parts, its very cool but there is so much learnıng!

From Damascus we went to Palmyra which had some very cool ruins of a whole town pretty much, looked Roman but was some other people that made ıt. Saw a bıg stack of real old human bones! Also bought some really good dates stuffed with almonds... İ think travel is all about the food.

Then on to Alepppo, the second biggest city. Good tımes exploring there. Took cool video, check thıs out (sorry, I cant seem to embed ıt).
Saw the Crad de Chevelıers, a very cool and stıll ın one piece crusader castle. While we were there ıs was school holıdays so there were thousands of teenager's running about wanting photos with the massive foreigners... ıt was awesome!

Thıs has been a pretty massive post, but just one last picture. In case you thought this was all fun and games here ıs a picture of me ın one of the bath rooms of the hostels we stayed at.

Currently ın Turkey. and ıt has been snowıng all day... what a contrast. More about that ın the next post (whıch wıll no doubt me months behınd, truly sorry about that).

Currently ın Turkey. and ıt has been snowıng all day... what a contrast. More about that ın the next post (whıch wıll no doubt me months behınd, truly sorry about that).
Loved the connection to 'Straight St' and the photo of you on the loo gave me the best laugh I have had in ages.
ReplyDeleteHave fun in Turkey
There are a couple of really good photos on here man and one really disturbing shot... Sounds like your having fun being massive. Be masive and stand tall, your a kiwi and on our team (even if syria isn't evil they'll love you for being massive)
ReplyDeleteand remember the chant
A. G. A. P. E.
Wow if you click the links they take you places- I want to see more posts on Utube!
ReplyDeleteHey Tony Hawk!
ReplyDeleteGreat photos!!!
Your trip seems to super interesting!!!
I came home two weeks ago, but I want to leave and travel again already. Have a few months left till uni starts, so I'm not sure if I'm here in June or where I am at that time. (Like to go to Iceland over the summer and work there, but nothing is sure yet). I'll tell you in a couple of weeks what my plans are!
Hope you have a great and save trip!!!