So here it is, only a few weeks late, an abridged account of what I have been up to.
So we hit
Rome for 5 days, I don't need to tell you how awesome it is. Read all about what happened
here, there is no point me cutting and pasting it... I am so lazy.

After Rome it was off to
Perugia where Andy started his Italiano course. Perugia was super cool. Met some really cool people and enjoyed some good times there. Perugia is very old school, narrow streets etc, perched on top of a hill. Also very important to the Entruscans, one of my new favourite ancient peoples.

From Perugia to
Pisa for a day. I really don't want to ruin any ones trip to Pisa, but I was a little disappointed. I didn't really know what to expect (perhaps a leaning tower), and, well, that's all there is. Its just a tower. Worth a few hours of your time. I spent maybe 4 hours there, 3 hours of which I was asleep on the grass beside the tower...

From Pisa it was on to
Florence. I loved Florence. I am not sure why. It felt a little like a theme park and not really like a real city, yet you were still aware that it had a whole lot of real history. I went to the Uffizi Art Gallery and also saw Michelangelo's David. The two highlight's though were going to the History of Science Museum (I learnt heaps and say Galileo's middle finger!), and chillin out by myself beside the river while the sun was setting enjoying the view. Sounds a little nomantic, but it was cool. You see, Florence was my first real solo travel adventure... no longer was Rox there to save me. Solo travel is fantastic! (I still love you Rox.. its just different is all.. its not you, it me!).

So yeah, Florence was super cool.

There you have one back dated post. Right now I am waiting to meet a couch surfing host in Genoa, and its about dinner time... so I am going to sneak out and get something to eat (I hear foccacia bread and pesto and very Genoan...) and most likely a sweet treat.. perhaps a beer. Hmm, so many options... my plan is to return to this computer in an hour or so and post about the last weeks adventures in Padua, Venice, Verona, Livorno, Siena, Certaldo etc.... thats the
plan anyway...
Don't worry Tony, we'll always have Tunis.