So I have had a taste of Egypt and have every intention to return to Cairo at some stage for an extended period of time, I still love it. But from Dahab we took a ferry to Aqaba in Jordan. The ferry ride itself was only four hours, but borders and delays made it a 12 hour trip. Good times all round. Camped in Aqaba (the one LAWRENCE OF ARABIA preformed his miracle for Feisal) then headed into the desert and took a 4WD through Wadi Rum (where LAWRENCE OF ARABIA lived for a time and the movie was filmed.

After camping out under the stars (and enduring a mini-sand storm during the night, I awoke to my jandals trying to escape) we hit the road for Wadi Mousa which is right next to Petra. We spent two nights here and an entire day at Petra. Petra is very cool, lots of old buildings cut from rock, but boy was it hot and exhausting exploring it all. You have all seen the final seen of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade... its just like that, but there is way more too it and there is no holy grail inside (sorry to ruin the surprise).

From Petra we hit the road for the DEAD SEA! On the way we got stopped at a check point by the Jordanian Army, that had a awesome Hummer with a massive machine gun on top pointed right at us... it would have been scary had the dude on top not been returning our waves with a cheesy grin almost bigger than his gun. Went for a swim in the Dead Sea... an interesting experience for sure, very buoyant. Went to a church where Moses first spotted the Promised Land, which looked something like this:

Then camping on a hill overlook Jerusalem on Easter Sunday. That was super cool. Here is a shot of the sun setting over Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. You can't make out much due to my cheap camera and non-existent skills, but you get its pretty.

Just for the record: I am now it Syria, its awesome. I am way behind on these posts and emailing people, I apologise. I rarely get online and alternate between blogging and emailing each time I get on. Thanks for all the comments, it makes me feel loved!
Have a great week people, and be sure to get along to support Big Mike Townsend and the Rams, I think they need it!
As always very nice blog man- as you say alittle wait on this one. But the fussy sunrise over jerusalem and all those pictures of a 'little-big' (????) you around the place made it so worth the wait.
ReplyDeleteThat is awesome Bro! I wish I was there with ya man! Keep up the posts, you can truly see it is God's promised land there, very beautiful! We won our first game last Thursday against Taranaki and are rolling good. My prayers are with you Bro!-Chris
Hi, Great to read you blog. Stay safe. From Auck cuzzies