So its 1 sleep until I leave the country. The reality is sinking in a bit now, I am getting a little emo about all the people and pies I will have to leave behind... but there is no point having feelings, they are well over rated. What was fantastic though has been the previous weekend. I was lucky enough to be invited to Rosie's Toga party on Friday night, and to co-host a Leaving/Birthday/Awesome party with my flat mates. I could write thousands of words describing how awesome the weekend was, but a few pictures would speak those words much more effectively. Firstly: Big ups to Nina and Ze German (Elizabeth) for being so darn fantastic in helping up put our party on, man I love couch surfers.
From the WDA to the ABC, to the RHS to the CBA. From Geraldine to White Rock to Sydney. There was a very eclectic bunch of people at the biggest party of the year, below is a sample of these ridiculously good looking people.

The most important guest ever..
OPTIMUS PRIME. And another distinguished guest.

Rangiora Old School... I love you Paul.

More good looking people. Its amazing that so many awesome people can be in one place. I feel sorry for every other place that has to suffer the shortage of awesome-ness.
And last but not least, a sneaky pic from the toga party the night before our party...

...I love Togas.
The next post will be far more exciting. Enjoy your week people, I intend to enjoy mine.
Keep it real.
PS Just had the best Roast Lamb meal ever... I love my mum and dad.
I love how that last photo makes me look so tanned next to mike and tony...two of the whitest (and tallest an therefore coolest) people i know :)